ISSN 2605-2318


Simone Movio | La composición es una manera de acercarse a la esencia de las cosas


Una entrevista de Ruth Prieto para El Compositor Habla.

Que la composición es una manera de acercarse a la esencia de las cosas puede que no sea verdad para todos, pero que lo es para el compositor italiano Simone Movio: si, queda claro cuando leemos su entrevista. Movio está empeñado en que algo de su música pueda "tocar" al oyente, porque lo que importa es eso la esencia de las cosas, el fondo y no los detalles superfluos y para eso hay que sumergirse en lo más profundo de las ideas casi de una forma poética pero lejos de vanidades superfluas.
Tal vez pensó en algún momento que tocar la guitarra eléctrica era divertido pero fue Bach quien cambio las cosas y el llevó por el camino de la composición. Luego otros como Furrer, Billone o Gervasoni han inspirado su camino que Movio sigue recorriendo sin querer parar, si necesita componer algo, no espera a ningún encargo.

Ruth Prieto, para El Compositor Habla, entrevista al compositor italiano Simone Movio

La composición es una manera de acercarse a la esencia de las cosas

Paris, Abril 2015

1. Ruth Prieto: What is composition for you in this day and age?

Simone Movio: Composition is the way, a sort of congenial way for me, to looking for the essence of things, my possible path to achieve it; I hope something of it could touch other people, even if only on a microscopic part of them. Of course this activity concerns deeply discover ourselves.

2. Ruth Prieto: What inspires you as a composer and why?

Simone Movio: A lot of things from many sources, but finally every multitude could be reduced to a synthesis which is the essence.
So in books, paintings, art in general I look for it, the essence is finally the idea, which does not concern the matter, it is pure non temporal idea which could drive us, as a real door, to a sort of elsewhere.

3. Ruth Prieto: Can you define «contemporary»? And in which way Simone Movio is “contemporary”?

Simone Movio: I cannot really define <<contemporary>>, I´m contemporary in the way I use what I need from what humanity has developed until nowadays: what I could think and do is the result of a long process, in that way I´m contemporary.

4. R.P. : What is your main obsession when working?

Simone Movio: To work deeply enough, to pull down decorations.

5. R.P. : How is your creative process?

Simone Movio: The idea comes as a sort of synthesis, which is something affine to the sound but also something else, an architectural form but also something which concerns a dimension of enchantment, something similar to poetical language but also far from it.
"The compositional process, which needs a firm will power, is the way to pull it into reality, to “dress” the incorporeal idea, to interlace its Tunica."
6. R.P. : What are you working on now?

Simone Movio: Primarily on myself, to pull down the subjective vanities. Then, talking about musical tangible facts, I´m working on my first opera, a duo for tenor sax and piano, a sextet for fl, cl, vln, vla, vc, pf .

7. R.P.:  What are your musical roots (real or imaginary)?

Simone Movio: I started as a guitarist, because my old brother played that instrument, the electric guitar. One day, almost for a curious case, I put a Bach Cd on my player, just because it was there: what an incredible shock. I remember very well it was the First Brandemburg Concerto, after that nothing could be as before: I immediately switched to classical guitar, than to composition.

8. R.P.: What virtues does a composer have to have? And defects?

Simone Movio: Maybe trying to not only meets basic needs through his own work, not to approach too much to everyday life facts, to the matter, with composition. So: to have an active and strong imaginative activity.
Defects: if we could really detect them, it would already be a virtue.

9. R.P.: If you had not been a composer, what would you like to have been?

Simone Movio: I have no idea, this is actually my path.

10. R.P.: What has your greatest extravagance been?

Simone Movio: I don´t really know.

11. R.P.: What does music contribute to education?

Simone Movio: Music is essential for the education, is one of the most powerful ways to be introduced to contemplation, to finally look to our inner state.

12. R.P. : What is silence?

Simone Movio: Silence is a wonder, very difficult to achieve, which we could really find only in our inner state.

13. R.P. : Who would you rescue from the past?

Simone Movio: Who or what I would rescue could not be rescued by me, because he/it rescues him/itself in any time.

14. R.P. : What´s interesting about the present?

Simone Movio: Doing deeply what you have to do, any activity, to be really present on it.

15. R.P. : What do you expect from the future?

Simone Movio: I try to concentrate on the present, to do as best I can what I´m doing, just its projection could be an imaginary future: so I hope to be strong enough to follow rightly this sort of projection.

16. R.P. : What would be your advice to a young composer?

Simone Movio: To create solid roots, to have solid composition studies, not only musical ones, I don´t mean academic, but it is not possible to avoid traditional composition studies: counterpoint, harmony, etc. If you want to deconstruct something first you need to construct it from a solid ground.
Today it is possible to study every day with the great Masters of Humanity, on their works, composing you will also learn by yourself.
Then: to be honest with yourself, so with the others, to work with gratitude and trust.

17. R.P. : Which musician(s) or work(s) have made an impression on you as a composer?

Simone Movio: From the past: really a lot, but it could be superficial and maybe pretentious to list them. From the present, personally and musically: Beat Furrer, an exceptional individuality

18. R.P. : Have you got any eccentricities when composing?

Simone Movio: I don´t really know.

19. R.P. : A "must" film

Simone Movio: I´m not too connected with cinema, but I think a good one could be “Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring” by Kim Ki Duk.

20. R.P. : Recommend us a book

Simone Movio: Just one book is too difficult, I recommend the Rudolf Steiner´s and Massimo Scaligero´s ones.

21. R.P.: A song that puts right an off day

Simone Movio: Not a song, but for me is “Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist” BWV 671, an incredible creation, or in general any Bach.

22. R.P.: What have you not yet been asked to do in music?

Simone Movio: I don´ know. If I really need to do something I don´t wait for requests.

23. R.P. : What would Simone Movio say about Simone Movio?

Simone Movio: Hard to say, maybe just that at this point I´m not still able to really know myself. Thank you very much!
Simone Movio, Paris, Abril 2015

La foto de Simone es cortesía del compositor



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