ISSN 2605-2318


“12 Voces del Mediterráneo”


operadhoy, Voces del Mediterráneo La XII edición de operadhoy tendrá lugar entre los meses de mayo y junio de 2014 en el Teatro de la Zarzuela y los Teatros del Canal con Voces del Mediterráneo. Voces del Mediterráneo es una ópera-video-instalación sobre doce identidades de la región del Mediterráneo. Operadhoy presenta un año más en España, algunas de las producciones contemporáneas más importantes y de mayor éxito de la presente temporada en colaboración con otros festivales europeos. Una de estas do producciones ejemplo de montaje innovador, de cooperación cultural entre países y de la difusión de la música de los jóvenes es “Voces del Mediterráneo” , en la que destaca la colaboración del joven Josep Sanz y que con esta primera función después del estreno en Stuttgart, comienza una larga gira de representaciones en los más importantes festivales de Europa.

Hemos podido hablar con algunos de los integrantes de este fantástico proyecto donde operadhoy, dirigido por Xavier Güell y producido por Rebeca Largo apuestan por esta producción de Musik der Jahrhunderte Stuttgart con los cuales les une una larga lista de colaboraciones.
En este caso la video-ópera-instalación Voces del Mediterráneo nos propone: " un recorrido por la cultura mediterránea a través de las voces de doce compositores de diferentes regiones del Mediterráneo representado en un díptico de dos funciones y una exhibición de los documentales del videoartista Daniel Kötter. "

Día 24 de mayo 20h

Josep Sanz (España) (Barcelona 1977)
Este jóven compositor catalán participa con la obra IRR_Study#2, para 5 voces virtuales (2013/2014)
"...I started to think about a set of pieces to ask myself about what I did want to compose. This sort of tabula rasa, hides the eternal question about what is art and what is art for. I started then to write down a list of characteristics that music have to include. The list began with Irregular, Irrational, Irreverent, Irritating…. From this list came of course the name of the series: IrrStudies."

Silvia Rosani (Italia) (Trieste 1970)

Silvia Rosani, compositora italiana formada en Austria y especialista en música electrónica, Silvia participa con la obra T-O 10‘ para 2 sopranos, contratenor, tenor y bajo, escrita en  el año 2013.
Nos comenta:
"The aim of my research is to identify an innovative relationship between text and music through the use of sound analysis and instrumental synthesis."

Amr Okba (Egipto) (El Cairo 1972)

Amr Okba participa con la obra  Faith para 5 voces (2013) y se define como idealista y perfeccionista.
"I find my inspiration in the history and cultures which mirror the human thoughts, in my European and Egyptian roots"

Nimrod Katzir (Israel) (Tel Aviv 1988)

Katzir participa con la obra Men Sing para 4 voces y electrónica en vivo (2013/2014) y no s comenta: "I'm a musician who works across a broad range of modern styles and genres. Instruments and performers inspire me, in particular electronic instruments. I produce my music with synthesisers and sequencers so when it's not the piece that inspires me then it's often the sound and characteristics of the devices alone.'

"I still feel connected to my classical music training background, although more contemporary musical fields inspire me these days. "


Zad Moultaka (El Líbano) (Beirut 1967)

Zad Moultaka participa con la obra Hummus para 7 voces (2013/2014)
".... at a moment when music has emerged all the greater now it has freed itself from the trials and tribulations met with during the course of the 20th century and is turning towards the infinite variety of music from non-Western cultures. "

Samir Odeh-Tamimi (Palestina) (Jaljulia 1970)

Samir participa con Jarich (Mondgott) para 3 voces femeninas (2013/2014)
"....I have developed my very own language in music which draws upon his intense involvement with both western avant-garde music and Arabic music performance practice."

Día 25 de mayo 20h

Evis Sammoutis (Chipre) (Nicosia 1979). Evis participa con la obra Sculpting Air para cinco voces (2013/2014)
"The characteristic that most defines me as a composer is my curiosity and my willingness to experiment. Greek mythology as well as natural phenomena is often source of inspiration. My aesthetic choices are rooted in spectral music and the quest for sound development. My work as a composer is deeply rooted in the tradition of both Western classical music sources but also that of my home country, Cyprus."

Marianthi Papalexandri-Alexandri (Grecia) (Tesalónica 1974). Participa con la obra Untitled VI para 3 voces masculinas y objetos sonantes creados por Pe Lang (2013/2014).

Papalexandri-Alexandri is a Berlin based composer and sound artist.
"My work focuses on the production and reception of sound by reinventing the instrument as a sound-generator (object as instrument and instrument as object) as as well as the type of sound production and behaviour of the performer"

Daniel Peter Biró (Hungría) (Victoria 1969. Participa con la obra

Al Ken kara para 7 voces (2013/2014).

"I am inspired by questions of history, memory and identity and how to translate answers to these questions via the musical work. I am inspired by composing itself, as composing is not a choice but a necessity. My musical roots come from many directions: Dufay, Bach, Beethoven, Mahler, Hungarian folk music, Jewish liturgical music and many others."

Brahim Kerkour (Marruecos) (Rabat 1980) Participa con la obra Intone  para 6 voces (2013).

"His work situates itself within a musical philosophy of sensory experience. At the heart of his approach is a commitment to the research of sound materials and their distribution within microscopic transformations of kinetic, tactile and spatial criteria. His music, conceived as a choreography of sound organisms, aims to sculpt spaces for personal experiences in listening."


Zeynep Gedizlioglu (Turquía) (Izmir 1977) . Participa con la obra Kelimeler para 5 voces (2013/2014) .



Zaid Jabri (Siria) (Damasco 1975). Participa con la obra Two song from Mihyâr of Damascus para 5 voces y 5 tubos de muelles (2013)

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